I've teamed up with Fair Trade Friday this summer. Throughout the month of July I will be sharing about fair trade, and toward the end of the month I will be hosting a giveaway for a beautiful fair trade tote. Stick around, you don’t want to miss it.
In the mean time, every Wednesday I plan to share a fashion post that features at least one fair trade product.

Inspiration photo source.
We spent a long holiday weekend out of town with friends. Our first stop was Chicago. We arrived on the evening of the forth, and after checking into our hostel (Um yes, shared showers and all.) we took the subway down to the Navy Pier to watch fireworks. Instead of fighting crowds on the way back, we left the show a bit early and walked a few blocks for deep dish pizza, because as the saying goes: when in Chicago, do as the Chicagoans. It was well past my bedtime when we finally got back to our rooms, but I was satisfied. Deep dish pizza really is all it's cracked up to be.
The next morning we explored downtown for a bit, stopping by Intelligentsia for coffee and scones,then moving on Millennium Park, where we shot a few touristy photos at the 'Bean', after we had soaked our diapers at the Crown Fountain. The rest of the morning we walked through the park and to the Magnificent Mile shopping district. That's when I realized I lost my phone. I prayed about it, and it was returned. Thank you Jesus! (You can read more about that here.) I know it's just a phone, but I have so many precious memories stored on that thing; it was what I was using for photos and videos of our trip. Jesus cares about the little things, even things as small as an iPhone.
The Orioles were playing the White Sox that afternoon, and with the group I was traveling with there was no way we were going to miss that game. The Orioles won; our group was happy. (Since we're friends, I'm going to be real with you: I just had to Google that. Even though I was there for the game, I couldn't have told you who won. I'm probably not the kind of fan most teams like.)
And finally, the whole purpose of our trip: fishing on Lake Michigan. In spite of some nasty weather that cut our two day trip short, we had a lot of fun out on the water, reeling 'em in. Seafood isn't really my thing, but I'd go fishing any day. We brought 15 fish back, 1 salmon, 1 steelhead trout, and 13 rainbow trout.
Dress: H+M, thrifted (similar) // Vest: LOFT (similar) // Necklack: Village Artisan, c/o Fair Trade Friday // Bag: FashionABLE // Sandals: Birkenstocks
Anyhow, all of this to say that I was planning to take a few photos in the city for today's post. However, most of my time I spent chasing after my little runner-boy who insisted on splashing in every fountain, climbing on all the high walls, and playing hide-and-seek among the bushes and shrubs. Then I thought that maybe I could share a few pictures from our fishing adventures, but after an incident where I dove into the icy waters fully clothed after my runner-boy, I was left with yoga pants instead of jeans for the next morning. Minimalist packing might not be so great after all. And yoga pants are not allowed on fashion posts!
So, this morning, as I catch up on laundry and figure out what groceries I need for the rest of the week and take a few moments to read and rejuvenate while my coffee is still hot, I decided to keep it real and share a few photos of what fair trade fashion looks like... from my dining room.

I'm enjoying Equal Exchange coffee from my Blue Waters Mug, along with a few squares of Equal Exchange Caramel Crunch chocolate. I just finished reading 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, by Jen Hatmaker, which I highly recommend, especially if fair trade is something that interests you too.
Have a lovely day, friends!
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