• You feel something wet slide down your leg, and for a split second you freak out, thinking your water broke, only to realize it was just a bit of condensation dripping off your quart glass of red raspberry leaf iced tea.
• Your husband calls you from work and upon answering he asks why you're huffing and puffing and short on breath. You admit it took all the strength you could muster just to get off the couch and pick up the phone.
• Nothing fits you any more, not even your maternity clothes. Thankfully crop tops are fashionable because there is no way this belly is staying covered.
• Painting your toe nails is equivalent to a 20 minute HIIT workout.
• Bathroom breaks are mandatory every 30 minutes. No exceptions.
• Your mom, mother-in-law, sister, and great aunt call/text you daily to ask if you think today is d-day (delivery day).
• Friends, acquaintances, and even total strangers suggest things to try that are sure to induce labor: Eat Mexican food! Go for a walk. Drink a gallon of hot sauce. Jumping jacks. Have you tried squatting? Take castor oil. Try anything but castor oil! Drive on a bumpy road. "Snuggle" with your mister more. Pineapple.
• You drop your car keys when you're at a gas station, and before you even have the chance to bend down and pick them up the sales clerk has already rushed around the counter, bent down to pick them up off the floor, and is hold his hand out to you, keys in palm. You smile gratefully and think to yourself, "Now that is a good, good man."
• Within hours one person tells you that you're huge and the next person is shocked that you're overdue because, "Darling, you're just a peanut!"
• People are surprised to see you at any public event because they thought surely you'd be home pushing.
• And finally, anytime your phone vibrates alerting you to an incoming text you just want to forget about it because you know it'll be someone telling you the suspense of waiting for this child is just too much for them to handle. "Oh, you're tired of waiting for me to go into labor? Can I do anything to make it easier on you?"
If you've ever experienced going longer than 40 weeks during a pregnancy, I'm sure you have a couple of things to add to this list too. Why not tell me about it in the comments below?