I’ve teamed up with Fair Trade Friday this summer. Throughout the month of July I will be sharing about fair trade, and toward the end of the month I will be hosting a giveaway for a beautiful fair trade tote. Stick around, you don’t want to miss it.
In the mean time, every Wednesday I plan to share a fashion post that features at least one fair trade product.

Inspiration photo source.
The photo shoot for this weeks post actually happened with out as much as a kink in the plan, and took place a week in advance. Can you believe it? Me either!
So since there is no story to tell you about the behind-the-scenes events, I'll just tell you about the skirt I'm wearing.
If you've been following along with the little fashion series, you probably noticed that there is almost always at least one item from my outfit that was thrifted. I don't exactly love shopping, but I do enjoy the thrill of the hunt when it comes to second-hand shops.
All of clothes that are currently in Carson's closet, other than what was gifted by friends or family, were purchased at consignment stores and yard sales. My closet isn't far behind. I would guess that well over half of my wardrobe was previously used. And I don't mind in the least. I've found so many high quality items for a fraction of the original cost.
Now on to that skirt.
After Carson was born I realized how desperately so many items in my closet need to be replaced. I had worn most of my normal clothes through pregnancy, and didn't think much of it... until I lost the pregnancy weight and noticed how stretched out things had become.
I picked up a few items here and there. One of them being a skirt just like the one I'm wearing. I loved that skirt, but eventually it wasn't fitting well anymore. I so desperately wanted it to work, and so I held on to it, hoping that I'd figure out a way to alter it to fit. But the skirt had a drawstring waist, and I wasn't sure how to nip and tuck it without messing that up.
Then, one half-off-Wednesday I was at the same Salvation Army where the first skirt came from, and guess what I found? That's right, another J. Crew olive drawstring skirt, just like the one still hanging in my closet. Only this time it was in my size, and because it was half-off, it was only $2.
I snatched that thing up faster that you would imagine possible, delighted.
When I arrived home, I took the tags off in order to wash it, and heard something jingling. It sounded like pocket change.
So technically, since the skirt came with a fifty cent refund in the form of quarters, I guess I got it for $1.50.
And tell me, who doesn't love a deal like that?
Skirt: J. Crew, thrifted (similar) // Sweater: LOFT (similar) // Necklace: c/o Everyday Beauty Co. // Bracelet: From Uganda, gifted (similar) // Sandals: Birkenstock // Tote: JOYN, c/o Fair Trade Friday (win it!)
What about you? Where are your favorite places to shop?
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