
Baby Chatter + the Breastfed Monkey

(aka Carsonisms)
This series is to record the funny things my Little Man says or does so these moments are not forgotten. But it is twofold; my hope is that the stories will brighten your day too, whether you are a parent or not. Enjoy!

     In an attempt at slowly weaning Carson from breastfeeding, I began limited nursing to naptime and bedtime. He soon caught on to this and began begging to go night-night at all times of the day. Usually by 8:30 pm he is tugging at my hand, trying to pull me to his room, while rapidly blowing kisses at Herm. One night in particular he wasn't very tired and was feeling playful. After he had finished nursing, he decided that his stuffed sock monkey on the bed next to him needed a turn. He pressed the monkey up to me and began making slurping sounds, laughing. Apparently his monkey was still hungry, because he clasped the monkey-hands and signed 'more' before pushing the monkey back in for seconds. 
     The past few weeks have been very intense. Carson was working on a few new teeth, and along with that he was running a really high fever, had a runny nose, and pretty bad diaper rash. He wasn't sleeping well at night or at naptime. Needless to say, we were both miserable and exhausted. On what was the worse day of this whole ordeal, I had rocked my screamed child for two hours in an attempt to comfort him before he finally went down for an afternoon nap. And that evening at bedtime, it was the same thing all over again. He didn't want to be held, but he didn't want to be down. He didn't know what he wanted. In total frustration, I placed my face in my palms, trying hard not to burst into hot tears myself. Still screaming, Carson pulled my hand away from my face, said 'boo', chuckled at his joke, and continued on in a fit of tears.
     Carson was getting antsy at the graveside service for my cousin and her baby. He had done well at the viewing and funeral service, but he couldn't take much more, he was ready to run.  I let him down and he ran over to a little girl about his age and tried to grab her hand. She pulled away from him, so he picked a dandelion and handed it to her. As she timidly reached out for the flower, he swiftly pulled it back, turned around, and walked the other way. I guess they were both playing hard-to-get.
What stories of childish ‘isms’ do you have to share?  Comment below!


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