
A Weekend Offline + Links

The Weekend + Links | sarahesh.com
I am going to try something new this weekend. I've thought about doing it for several months now, but because I didn't verbally commit to it, I never followed through.
There are a lot of differing opinions about social media.  It seems like a majority of those opinions are negative, viewing social media as a waste of time and a reason for the discontentment and comparison among so many of us.
Personally, I think that, just like anything else, it can be good or it can be bad. It really depends on how it is being used and prioritized. I, for one, love Instagram, and find so much inspiration on Pinterest. Facebook isn't a favorite of mine, but I still use it regularly.
While I don't think that any of these tools are bad, I have noticed that I've been spending a lot of time on them -- distractedly scrolling through Instagram while reading a book to Carson, one I've read so many times I no longer need to see the words, or browsing Pinterest for new hair cut ideas when I could be having meaningful conversation with Herm.
I want to become more intentional with how I am spending my time, especially on the weekends when Herm is home. I want Carson to feel important and remember moments with me where I am giving him my full attention and I'm not distracted by the phone in my hand.
So Saturday and Sunday I will be completely offline.
I am going to pick up a few books at the library, and make a short list of projects I want to work on. I am going to make a point to spend a lot of time outside playing in the snow with Carson, and I'll cook a good meal for Herm. I'll probably go for a run or two too, and spend quality time with our wood stove.
I am kind of excited to see what the weekend will hold. And, to be perfectly honest, I'm kind of excited for Monday. This weekend internet fast is something that I would like to start implementing into my life, but instead of jumping head on into it, I'll be slowly experimenting with it, a few weekends at a time.
Yes, I think social media is a good thing. But I also think that this time away from it will be equally rewarding.
Do you have personal boundaries or limit the amount of time you spend online? I would love to hear some feedback on this!
In the mean time, check out these links:
Deeply Rooted Magazine for free  //  I like this view on yoga pants  //  This song is fun  //  And nothing says I love you like this banner
Until Monday!


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