We were gathered around the long rectangle table, its glossy top smudged slightly from finger prints and muffin crumbs. Its the same table who used to sit around every Thursday morning before work. We were all single back then, all friends since childhood.
Life has changed, a few of us have gotten married and become moms, some moved across the country, and some moved back again. And in the midst of all the change, our moments around that long cafe table have become sparse.
But two weeks ago, on an early Thursday morning, those of us who are still living in the area were found leaning in, laughing, sipping lattes, and catching up on life around that glossy but slightly smudged table.
So Sarah, what does a typical day look like for you? The question caught me off guard. What does a typical day look like? It can vary so much day to day and week by week. And yet I often struggle with the feeling that my life is mundane, every day repeating itself.
I couldn't forget that question, so I've been mentally noting what my day to day life looks like. Kaylie, this post is for you.
Monday, August 30
6:30-6:59: Woke up and began the first day of BodyRockTV's 30 day fitness challenge. Carson tried to join in on the workout. Baby burpees and lunges are hilarious. I think I burnt 50 extra calories from laughing at him. I typically like to get up earlier, but Carson hasn't been sleeping well for the past 3-4 weeks, which means I haven't either. That extra hour of sleep in the morning is much needed.
7:00-7:45: Devoured a homemade breakfast of eggs, avocado and fresh salsa. Read a few chapters from Isaiah about caring for the orphans and widows, started the first load of wash, and spent some time catching up on social media. (For the record, I won't be recording that throughout the day. Just know that I probably logged in to Instagram more than the 1-2 times I mentioned it.)
7:46-8:46: Took Carson and Mia (our puppy) out for a walk. Mia finally learned how to follow along when on a leash, so I thought it would be the perfect time to teach her to run. We may have averaged a 12 minute mile. That pup wasn't in a hurry and her attention span is next to nothing. I'm hoping she catches on before too long, fall and winter are the seasons when I get out and run the most.
8:47-9:30: Balanced the checkbook, prepared a few items to take in to the bank, and went over our budget from last week. I can be pretty religious about this. Every single Monday it needs to happen. And nothing makes me happier then when all the numbers balance to the last penny. Also wrote out a grocery list and added other errands to it, and grabbed the bedding from the dryer to made our bed.
9:31-11:45: Went for groceries and made 4-5 other stops, included Wagers Cider Mill for fresh apples and cider and donuts. At the grocery store Carson insisted on sitting in the cart instead the child seat. Which was perfectly fine until we were going through check out. Aldis, where I often shop, doesn't hand out grocery bags, I bring my own. So as the clerk scanned the items she placed them in the cart. Carson started to throw the veggies, the spinach and avocados and mushrooms, back at her. She thought it was so funny. Me, not so much. I'm just thankful that avocado didn't knock someone out cold.
11:46-1:30: Gave the cider and donuts to Herm and his crew, who were working to replace our garage roof. Made lunch and put Carson down for a nap.
1:31-2:31: Worked on a few things for my Noonday business. This all feels so new to me, it's definitely a learning curve. I've been so impressed with the training that Noonday offers though. My first trunk show is this coming Saturday.
2:32-3:45: Cleaned out our new-to-us vehicle. For the past year we've been driving a tiny 1995 Ford Ranger. It did the job, it got us from point A to point B, but during that time we set money aside every week to go towards something a bit more practical. We finally had enough money, and found something we liked, a 2007 Chevy Tahoe. Driving the Ranger never bothered me, but this Tahoe is luxurious. The seats are so comfortable, the sound system is amazing, it doesn't boast a cassette player (haha!), and there is room for groceries and lots of kids. People keep asking me how soon we plan to fill it up. We are working on it folks, good things and tiny people take time.
3:46-4:40: Cleaned the deck and did some yardwork. Can I just admit that with a toddler and a puppy it often feels like for every step forward I end up taking five steps back? If I clean the windows, 30 minutes later they look worse than they did when I started. If I sweep the deck off and wash it, Mia will shred something or Carson will throw sand all over it. And if I wipe the kitchen floor up, it's almost guaranteed that Carson will somehow sneak his puppy dog into the house and they'll both slip and slide all over it. Job security, right?
4:41: Realized I should probably think about what is for supper.
4:42: Thought about something else, and got distracted, probably with Instagram.
5:30: Hey, when are we going to eat supper? Herm worked from home today. Supper is earlier. Darn it, what to make?! Last minute idea? Burgers, which seems to be the last minute idea at least three times per week. Why does meal time happen so often?
6:30-8:30: Went with Herm to look at a job he will be doing later this summer. It was at a friends place, so while he was figuring out measurements and colors, Carson and I splashed our feet in their pool, explored the orchard and climbed all over the old trucks and tractors. We spent time chatting with our friends too. Their backyard patio is a dream!
8:31-9:30: Home again. Gave Carson a bath and put him to bed and began to think about putting myself to bed too. It was a full day.
So there you have it. The long answer to a short question. Next Monday will probably be completely the same, yet entirely different.
What does your average day look like?
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