
Those Mom Jeans

Those Mom Jeans || sarahesh.blogspot.com

This blog post was inspired from a card I recently received. I'm thinking it's time I start rocking other jeans perhaps?

WANTED: Someone who loves shopping, has a classy sense of style, and is good at convincing frugal tight-wads to spend money, to help revamp wardrobe. Would need to evaluate current closet then go to thrift stores, boutiques and the mall, putting outfits together and critiquing them on the model (me). Pay is minimal, but selected applicant would enjoy coffee + pastries from a local coffee house on me.  
For those who would like to apply, please leave a comment below!

All joking aside, my closet is very basic and mostly made up of pieces that work better for fall and winter. I feel like having a baby has completely changed my shape, and things that used to work great no longer fit well. Shopping isn't something I enjoy at all, so it truly would be a dream come true to have someone else do it for me. Any takers? =)


  1. the patty girl will do a splenderific job!!! =)
    if I lived closer I'd volunteer. =)

  2. Pick me, pick me!!!! This sounds like a dream come true.:) Where do you live? I am so in if I can drive there. ;)

    1. I'm in upstate New York... It's drive-able, sort of. :)
